电视剧 美国国家公园之旅



  • 片名:美国国家公园之旅
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:盖斯·布洛克斯/吉尔·拜登/
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-03-17 13:14
  • 简介:  A celebration of the natural wonder and power of nature in our backyard. From iconic places to secret gems, this series will open the gateways for all to explore the breadth of the beauty and tranquility.  The audience will experience North America’s natural wonders with its iconic wildlife as you have never seen them before. Strong storytelling let the audience discover the fascinating interactions in wild habitats they thought they were familiar with.  The series is produced by Wildstar Films for National Geographic. Executive producing alongside Brooks are Anwar Mamon and Dan Rees for Wildstar, and Drew Jones for National Geographic. Myles Connolly and Ben Wallis serve as series producers.  Episodes include…  Grand Canyon  Yosemite  Big Bend  Badlands  Hawai'i Volcanoes
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给影片打分 《美国国家公园之旅》
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首页 电视剧 美国国家公园之旅


  A celebration of the natural wonder and power of nature in our backyard. From iconic places to secret gems, this series will open the gateways for all to explore the breadth of the beauty and tranquility.  The audience will experience North America’s natural wonders with its iconic wildlife as you have never seen them before. Strong storytelling let the audience discover the fascinating interactions in wild habitats they thought they were familiar with.  The series is produced by Wildstar Films for National Geographic. Executive producing alongside Brooks are Anwar Mamon and Dan Rees for Wildstar, and Drew Jones for National Geographic. Myles Connolly and Ben Wallis serve as series producers.  Episodes include…  Grand Canyon  Yosemite  Big Bend  Badlands  Hawai'i Volcanoes——《美国国家公园之旅》由蝶众影院收集整理供大家观看!


  • 正片
    10.0 许颢/程凡/王雅淇/陈奕恩/张雨旭/
  • 更新至24集
    5.0 王楠楠/王子铭/
  • 正片
    9.0 更新至2集/
  • 更新至第10集
    7.0 宋承宪/吴涟序/李时言/太元硕/张圭悧/洪宗玄/河道权/
  • 更新至第01集
    10.0 理查德·兰金/帕特里克·奥布莱恩/艾米·曼森/米歇尔·邓肯/肖恩·布坎纳/斯图尔特·鲍曼/托伦·弗格森/布赖恩·弗格森/Lucie Shorthouse/Ryan Hayes/Neshla Caplan/Cailean Galloway/Mia McKenzie/
  • 更新至第03集
    8.0 伊娃·朗格利亚/桑地亚哥·卡布瑞拉/卡门·毛拉/Jim Kitson/Layna Sheppard/Vianessa Castaños/加里·安东尼·斯坦内特/Lolo Herrero/科林·摩根/克雷格·史蒂文森/Victoria Bazua/Tian Tosas/阿莫里·诺拉斯科/格洛里亚·穆诺兹/
  • 更新至第02集
    2.0 樱田日和/细田佳央太/茅岛水树/前田旺志郎/野村康太/桥本淳/野间口彻/美村里江/石田光/河野纯喜/
  • 更新至第05集
    7.0 杰克·吉伦哈尔/鲁丝·内伽/比尔·坎普/伊丽莎白·玛维尔/彼得·萨斯加德/O·T·法格本/雷娜特·赖因斯夫/蔡斯·英菲尼迪/娜娜·门萨/金斯顿·鲁米·索斯威克/萝贝塔·巴辛/马修·阿兰/Tate Birchmore/詹姆斯·廖/MARS/Peter Lawrence Singer/莉莉·拉贝/泰勒·克拉克/艾琳·阿巴尔卡/格蕾丝·罗/Betsy Soo/海皮·安德森/海皮·安德森/Happy/Anderson/
  • 更新至第06集
    7.0 李政宰/阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格//凯瑞-安·莫斯/朱迪·特纳-史密斯/曼尼·贾希尼托/达芙妮·基恩/乔纳斯·索塔莫/曾爱媚/玛格丽塔·列维耶娃/迪恩-查尔斯·查普曼/查理·巴奈特/保罗·布林/瑞贝卡·亨德森/James Henri-Thomas/
  • 已完结
    5.0 拉菲·斯波/埃丝特·史密斯/珊·布鲁克/达伦·博伊德/斯嘉丽·雷纳/库珀·特纳/肯内斯·库兰汉姆/Yvonne D'Alpra/菲尔·戴维斯/Matilda Flower/克莱尔·希金斯/Bradley John/玛丽安·麦克劳林/安迪·M·米利根/罗德里克·史密斯/Aidan Cheng/


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