电影 挚爱1969



  • 片名:挚爱1969
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:皮埃尔·埃泰/安妮·弗拉泰利尼/尼科尔·卡尔方/Alain/Janey/Ketty/France/Louis/Maiss/Jacqueline/Rouillard/
  • 导演:皮埃尔·埃泰/
  • 年份:1969
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:喜剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:法语
  • 更新:2024-04-17 12:21
  • 简介:IMDB简介  Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming. Written by Yepok  Twenty-five year old Pierre is a man who likes to play the field, about which most of girlfriends are aware. Pierre falls into a relationship with Florence Girard, who he loves and marries more out of circumstance than anything. Their life is less than the exciting one he envisioned for himself, as he ends up working for Florence's father in the office of the family business, a tannery. Old habits surface as he embarks on a few extramarital dalliances, which he sees solely as distractions from the problems of marriage, one of those problems with Florence being her mother, who Florence resembles. Thus he sees his future as that of his staid in-laws. It isn't until he is in his late thirties that he truly does begin to contemplate ending the marriage, all because of his new eighteen year old secretary, Agnès, with who he believes he has fallen in love. The questions become whether he will do anything about it, if his feeling for Agnès truly is love, whether Agnès has similar feelings for him, and how Florence truly feels about marriage to him after ten years and visa versa. Written by Huggo
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IMDB简介  Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming. Written by Yepok  Twenty-five year old Pierre is a man who likes to play the field, about which most of girlfriends are aware. Pierre falls into a relationship with Florence Girard, who he loves and marries more out of circumstance than anything. Their life is less than the exciting one he envisioned for himself, as he ends up working for Florence's father in the office of the family business, a tannery. Old habits surface as he embarks on a few extramarital dalliances, which he sees solely as distractions from the problems of marriage, one of those problems with Florence being her mother, who Florence resembles. Thus he sees his future as that of his staid in-laws. It isn't until he is in his late thirties that he truly does begin to contemplate ending the marriage, all because of his new eighteen year old secretary, Agnès, with who he believes he has fallen in love. The questions become whether he will do anything about it, if his feeling for Agnès truly is love, whether Agnès has similar feelings for him, and how Florence truly feels about marriage to him after ten years and visa versa. Written by Huggo——《挚爱1969》由蝶众影院收集整理供大家观看!


  • 全1集
    7.0 应昊茗/景岗山/侯勇/
  • 全1集
    7.0 陈露茜/王辉/李博/訾富尔/陈可欣/
  • 全1集
    10.0 黄景瑜/王一博/钟楚曦/欧豪/朱亚文/谷嘉诚/赵华为/木兰/白那日苏/余沛杉/刘学/南伏龙/魏冲/印小天/冯文娟/孙伊涵/李岷城/蒋林燕/高舒乔/
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    5.0 古天乐/洪金宝/任贤齐/林峯/刘俊谦/黄德斌/伍允龙/胡子彤/张文杰/廖子妤/郭富城/蔡思韵/黄梓乐/
  • 正片
    5.0 蜘蛛夫人(港/台)/蜘蛛女:超感觉醒/
  • 全1集
    4.0 杰克·布莱克/奥卡菲娜/维奥拉·戴维斯/达斯汀·霍夫曼/吴汉章/布莱恩·克兰斯顿/伊恩·麦柯肖恩/关继威/钱信伊/洛瑞·坦·齐恩/塞塞·瓦伦蒂娜/
  • 正片
    8.0 黄志忠/姜武/郭涛/欧豪/韩庚/董勇/金士杰/魏晨/邢佳栋/黄璐/陈都灵/赵子琪/
  • 正片
    3.0 Dragon Stone Pass Word/
  • HD人工中字
    8.0 噤界:入侵日(台)/无声绝境外传:首袭日(港)/无声绝境III(港)/寂静之地前传/
  • HD
    5.0 本·卫肖/埃莉·哈丁顿/伊恩·盖尔德/瑞恩·麦肯/劳伦斯·斯佩尔曼/穆纳·奥塔茹/保罗·布莱克维尔/莱蕾·迪克斯/Jasmine/Jobson/雷·卡雷贾/Abdul/Hakim/Joy/杰克·皮尔斯/Ranjit/Singh/Shubh/Yohanna/Ephrem/Bradley/Taylor/Modupe/Adeyeye/


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