电影 旅行者的需求



  • 片名:旅行者的需求
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:伊莎贝尔·于佩尔/李慧英/权海骁/赵允熙/河成国/
  • 导演:洪常秀/
  • 年份:2024
  • 地区:韩国
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:法语
  • 更新:2024-07-05 18:03
  • 简介:  This woman who came from who knows where says she came from france. She was sitting on a bench in neighborhood park, diligently playing a ch ild's recorder. With no money or means of supporting herself, she was advised to teach French. In that way she became a teacher to two Korean women. She likes to walk barefoot on the ground and lie down on rocks. And when she is up to it, she tries to see each instant in a non-verbal way, and to live her life as factually as possible. But life remains as hard as ever. She relies on Makkeolli everyday for a small bit of comfort.
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  This woman who came from who knows where says she came from france. She was sitting on a bench in neighborhood park, diligently playing a ch ild's recorder. With no money or means of supporting herself, she was advised to teach French. In that way she became a teacher to two Korean women. She likes to walk barefoot on the ground and lie down on rocks. And when she is up to it, she tries to see each instant in a non-verbal way, and to live her life as factually as possible. But life remains as hard as ever. She relies on Makkeolli everyday for a small bit of comfort.——《旅行者的需求》由蝶众影院收集整理供大家观看!


  • 全1集
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  • 全1集
    8.0 丽贝卡·豪尔/布莱恩·泰里·亨利/丹·史蒂文斯/凯莉·霍特尔/亚历克斯·费恩斯/陈法拉/瑞切尔·豪斯/润·斯米克/尚特尔·贾米森/格雷格·哈顿/凯文·科普兰/泰丝·多布雷/蒂姆·卡罗尔/安东尼·布兰登·黄/索菲亚·恩博森-贝恩/叶叶·周/Jamaliah Othman/Nick Lawler/Chika Ikogwe/文森特·B·拉戈斯/
  • TC中字
    2.0 王传君/张钧甯/吴镇宇/王圣迪/蔡明/金士杰/黄明昊/徐娇/阿如那/王成思/柳小海/邢佳栋/李梦/沈浩/程茉/穆梦娇/顾明漪/卓依娜姆/王晓赟子/邓金煌/
  • HD
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  • HD
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  • HD
    3.0 顫慄沙漠(台湾)/


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