电影 最远的地方

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  • 最远的地方

  • 片名:最远的地方
  • 状态:全1集
  • 主演:Frank/Drake/Carolyn/Porco/John/Casani/Lawrence/Krauss/Timothy/Ferris/Edward/Stone/Nick/Sagan/Larry/Soderblom/Charley/Kohlhase/Fran/Bagenal/James/F./Bell/Frank/Locatell/Suzanne/Dodd/Jon/Lomberg/Heidi/Hammel/
  • 导演:埃默·雷诺兹/
  • 年份:2017
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:传记/纪录/历史/剧情/电影//荒诞/其他/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-18 01:21
  • 简介:Is it humankind's greatest achievement 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyager finally go out. But this little craft will travel on for millions of years, carrying a Golden Record bearing recordings and images of life on Earth. In all likelihood Voyager will outlive humanity and all our creations. It could be the only thing to mark our existence. Perhaps some day an alien will find it and wonder. The story of Voyager is an epic of human achievement, personal drama and almost miraculous success. Launched 16 days apart in Autumn 1977, the twin Voyager space probes have defied all the odds, survived countless near misses and almost 40 years later continue to beam revolutionary information across unimaginable distances. With less computing power than a ...
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  • HD
    8.0 罗伯特·米彻姆/珍妮特·利/
  • HD
    2.0 苏志燮/姜至奂/高昌锡/洪秀贤/张熙珍/
  • HD
    9.0 朱利安·洛佩兹/Nene/纳塔利娅·德·莫利纳/米伦·伊瓦古伦/Canco Rodríguez/阿尔韦托·洛佩兹/Juanlu González/Xisco González/Manuel Pérez/阿德尔法·卡尔沃/曼努埃尔·伯克/帕科·图斯/安东尼奥·德钦特/胡里安·毕亚格兰/
  • HD
    1.0 未知
  • HD
    6.0 Mark Andrews/Deon Dreyer/Theo Dreyer/Peter Herbst/Jack Meintjies/Ann Shaw/David Shaw/Andre Shirley/Don Shirley/Verna Van Schaik/
  • 正片
    5.0 未知
  • 正片
    5.0 Rhododendron/(英)/
  • HD
    3.0 亚当·桑德勒/艾米丽·沃森/菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼/路易斯·古兹曼/玛丽·莱恩·莱杰斯库/
  • HD
    7.0 市川雷藏/绿魔子/川津祐介/渡边文雄/寺田农/伊达三郎/三条魔子/
  • 一台彩电引发的纠葛
    8.0 张连文/李健/常戎/张平/王书勤/
  • HD
    2.0 钟秋/葛晓凤/宁宁/刘鹏/肖婷佳/冯国庆/李强/刘之冰/岳红/马以/
  • HD
    4.0 寺田心/杉咲花/大泽隆夫/大森南朋/安藤樱/大仓孝二/三浦贵大/大岛优子/赤楚卫二/浅野堇/北村一辉/松岛菜菜子/柄本明/猪股怜生/神木隆之介/


  • 豆瓣高分
    8.0 金飞/
  • 第2集
    5.0 未知
  • HD
    3.0 安吉·塞佩达/阿格涅斯卡·戴甘特/Aleksandra Grabowska/亚历山德拉·波夫斯卡/凯莎·沃恩克/彼得·亚当奇克/恩里克·阿尔切/Amin Bensalem/Wojciech Bocianowski/杰尼斯·查比尔/克里斯托夫·切佐特/Filip Guzla/Michal Karmowski/Damian Kowalski/Damian Kret/Monika Ambroziak/安杰伊·巴尔诺夫斯基/Tomasz Domagala/Radoslaw Garncarek/Krzysztof/
  • HD
    1.0 Aleksey Cherevatenko/Yurii Felipenko/Anastasiya Karpenko/奥列娜·卡克里特缇娜/Sergey Kiyashko/Kateryna Kozlova/Tatyana Krulikovskaya/Tetiana Ostretsova/Iryna Ostrovska/奥列娜·雷切奇/Viktor Zhdanov/
  • HD
    8.0 未知
  • HD
    9.0 莱蒂齐娅·托尼/塞伦·卡拉马扎/毛里齐奥·隆巴迪/斯特凡诺·罗西·希尔达尼/安德烈亚·德洛古/
  • HD
    8.0 田中裕子/尾野真千子/安藤政信/ダンカン/白石加代子/长內美那子/Minako/Osanai/田岛令子/山中崇/Takashi/Yamanaka/阿部进之介/田中要次/平泉成/小仓久宽/
  • HD
    5.0 吉儿·贝纳特/Jack/Watling/詹姆斯·维利尔斯/诺拉·戈登/William/Dix/
  • 全1集
    10.0 盖布瑞·马赫特/罗伯特·帕特里克/克里斯塔娜·洛肯/
  • HD
    9.0 郑秀文/佟大为/蔡卓妍/林嘉华/谭耀文/


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